Outreach Missions

Beginning of Outreach Mission :

Even before the Church officially decided to send missionaries outside Mizoram, some enthusiastic evangelical minded believers set out of Mizoram to the neighbouring states to preach to them. They went with the Blessing of the Church. Some of them went to Burma (now Myanmar), Bangladesh, Tripura, North Cachar, and Manipur. Wherever they went, people responded to the Gospel enthusiastically. A number of churches were established in the neighbouring areas, which are still flourishing amazingly. Some of those evangelists who might be called pioneer missionaries never returned to Mizoram. They continued to look after the churches they planted and rendered their whole lives for the people they loved.

While the Outreach Mission concentrates its work in outside of Mizoram. The primary objective of the Baptist Church of Mizoram is to evangelize and plan the churches, but as already mentioned the method used to achieve its primary objectives has always been determined by the context. The principle of "scratch where it itches" has been used consciously and unconsciously. In respond to the need and demand of the local people, schools have been established that subsequently has brought about social transformation. Two schools- the Arshang English School and the Calvary English School in Arunachal Pradesh were handed over to the local people.

In obedience to the Great Commission, the Baptist Church was doing mission work from the time of its inception. As a result of evangelical awakening called "born again movement", there was missionary movement which eventually gave birth to a new department called Zoram Baptist Mission in 1966, and that was renamed as Mission and Evangelism in 2000 when the report of Planning Commission was accepted. Although priority is often determined by the context or the need of the situation where we actually do ministry, the Baptist Church of Mizoram gives priority in the proclamation of the gospel and planting churches. For this work, Rs 31,406,325 which is 40% of Church's contribution in the annual budget of 2002-2003 is set aside.

Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

July 25, 2024 (Ningani) zing khan BCM Hall, Headquarters Offce, Serkawn-ah kumin 2024-a Beirual Thuzir tur ‘Ringtu Nun’ tih chu Rev. R. Lalbiakliana, General Secretary-in Pathian hnenah hlanin a tlangzarh. …

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

July 22-26, 2024 khan Buarpui leh Aizawl ah te tun hnaia thli leh ruah avanga chhiatna hrang hrang tuarte hnenah BCM Relief & Development Department chuan Chhawmdawlna leh tanpuina a sem a. Heng chhawmdawlna te hi R&D Department hotute -  Director Rev L.Vanlalsanga,Co-ordinator Rbt Lalrinawma leh Asst Co-ordinator Nl T. Lalfawnveli leh Pu Lalhriatpuia, Driver ten kengin Pastor Bial hrang hrangah tanpuina hi an pe a ni. …

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mizoram Baptist Kohran - Mission Department-in Kohhrante Mission rawngbawlnaa hma kan sawn nan leh mission rilru kan put ngheh deuh deuh theihna atan Mission Inkhawmpui buatsaih ni se ti-a ruahmanna an siam angin Lawngtlai, Lunglei eh Aizawl-ah te Pastor Bial 2/3 huapin Mission Inkhawmpui hi neih turin ruahman a ni a. A hmasa ber atan July 19-21 khan Lawngtlai khawpui chhunga Pastor Bial pathum - Lawngtlai North, Lawngtlai South leh Lawngtlai East Pastor bial te infinin BCM Biak In, Chanmari, Lawngtlaiah Mission Inkhawmpui hi tluang takin neih a ni. nkhawmpui thupui-ah Joshua 3:1 thu  ‘Ram lak tur lah chu a la tam mai si a’ tih chu hman a ni.  He Inkhawmpui-ah hian Sepaker-ah Rev. Dr. R. Lalthanmawia, AGS Mission leh Rev. Lalremsiama, Mission Director te hmangin, Resource person-ah  Pu T. Nghaksanga Mission Promoter hman a ni bawk. …